Your Child’s Sweetest Experience Starts Here!
About The SweetPea Experience
Ever since 2014, The SweetPea Experience has been providing children with a rich and diverse learning environment. Our teaching methods help children gain confidence within and evolve day by day. We always encourage staff and students to grow, learn, and create each passing day as a new opportunity presents itself.
Daycare Information
3765 River Watch Pkwy
Martinez, GA 30907
Saturday Care Hours
Saturday Care is on first come, first serve basis. Not included in regular tuition and will be a separate fee.
(706) 723-9998
(706) 933-0261 call or text (Direct line to Ms.Debbie, Manager)
Saturday Care Only
For the parents that may not be able to get all their errands in during the week or maybe for just a little me time, we have opened back up for Saturday drop ins from 9am-3pm!
There are limited spaces due to covid and is on a first come , first serve basis. We will follow the daily schedule of daycare and provide breakfast, lunch, and a snack. Please give us a call or send an email to thesweetpeaexperience14@gmail.com to be added to the list.
Thank you!
Classes are structured based on your child’s level.
(go to classes tab)